Home » CloudCultureTransformation » Cloud is an Organisational Responsibility – Part 3

We meet again! Now for the 3rd in our series of 6 Blogs exploring the people and process requirements of Cloud transformation. As before a quick recap and we’ll get right into it.

The Recap:

Cloud utilisation needs be the focus not just adoption if your aim is to acheive the needed benefits and competitive advantage. It is only when Technology, People and Process all come together that that is achieved.

In the last blog we explore the first of the 4 reasons – Clarity of intention and priority. In this blog we’ll be looking at reason number 2.


A key aspect that is getting a lot of industry attention is that Cloud is often siloed within organisations to the Technology division. Led by the CIO or CTO who focus on ensuring the creation and migration of infrastructure and applications to the Cloud.
Approaching it this way unfortunately creates an imbalance in the golden triangle of people process and technology. An imbalance that can actually undermine the benefits and value of Cloud the organisation realises. *based on EY, McKinsey and Microsoft papers in 2020.

Where change is led and driven by the CEO it is more likely to be an organisation-wide effort; where the business value and rationale is more clearly used to define the technical focus. Where the processes and people are part of the overall plan, it’s driven by value creation not just technical competence.

McKinsey’s quarterly report in July 2020 summed this up as:

“the CEO’s role is crucial because no one else can broker across the multiple parties involved which include the CIO, CTO, CFO, COO, CHRO, CISO, CDO and business unit-leads. The transition to cloud computing represents a collective-action problem – one that requires a coordinated effort across the team at the top of the organisation. It’s a matter of orchestration, in other words, and only CEOs can wield that baton”

What role is each board or leadership member taking in ensuring they understand Cloud, how it affects their responsibilities within the organisation? Are they inputting their set of drivers to be prioritised by the CEO for the technical areas to execute on? If not how it is ensuried they are all on the journey together? This is not an easy task as with so many angles and options; the team really have to focus on the clarity of why Cloud is being utilised, in order to balance individual need with overall gain.

Let’s go around the C-suite Table…


Is the CFO preparing a funding model that works with SaaS and Cloud native solutions? Are they ready for a shift to opex and the need for persistent funding to support DevOps iterative delivery models? Are these in place ahead of implementation?


Have the CRO and CISO reviewed the risk taxonomy? Have they shared where they feel the organisation should be focussing to enable an improvement in control, resilience, security, loss prevention etc. Does that works within the current risk appetite? (more of this in blog 4)


Has the CHRO considered the impact on the legacy teams working in traditional waterfall or on-premise ways – the changes to resourcing needs, training interventions – again are these being put in place ahead of implementation so you have an educated workforce reducing the potential need for redundancies and increase employee engagement and loyalty (more on this in blog 5).


Has the COO reviewed the operating model and understood what needs to be evolved to take advantage from Cloud? Is there an articulation of the structures, business capabilities and process changes that will be required across the board to reap the full benefit of automation, scalability? Has there been a consideration of the resultant release of many manual roles across the organisation?


Has the CDO explored the data strategy for Cloud adoption. What are you willing to put in the Cloud? Are their any no-go areas? What the guardrails and how are you going to ensure data integrity and privacy whilst during transition? There are many approaches that would suggest different priorities for migration – by domain rather than by application for example.


Has the CMO provided the consumer focus areas? Which ones would benefit from speed to market the most? Where is your biggest revenue kick going to come from?

These viewpoints and more need to be added to the melting pot. The CEO, as McKinsey said, can then arbitrate the balance and priority to create a collective-action plan to ensure Cloud addresses the happiest adoption and utilisation path for the unique current state and desired future state of your organisation.

All have a pivotal role to play that falls outside the technical choices around the Cloud stack.

Building on this, in the next blog we’ll explore the CRO’s domain of risk management and appetite. This is a constraint that needs more forethought that many are giving it… so, please do join me then.

To read the next installment click here

want to remind yourself of the first blog or find others of interest please click here



Author: Changying Culture
Changying represents the Culture that is required to make the whole thing work. She is the secret sauce, the ways of working and the values that help all the components fit together in a way that delivers success. 

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